Monday, January 25, 2010

1.25 “on the road”

1) Reason for sitting on couch: Reading Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” and relaxing after a long day of classes and work. This is becoming one of my favorite places to sit and read because the lighting is soft and cozy, and the couch is cozy but not too cozy that I fall asleep within 5 minutes of opening up the book.
2) Time: 11:32 p.m.
3) Duration: 37 minutes
4) Items on coffee table: camera tripod, leather purse, little red bag, little colorful bag full of pens, lotion, opened mail, a brown jar, 2 shoe boxes full of random little trinkets and what nots, a green file folder, a city pages, and some class papers, flight of the conchords season one dvd, igor on dvd, green mug.
5) Noises I hear: Jose Gonzales playing softly, my radiator tinging and hissing, and the occasional car driving by
6) Event happening downtown: A friend of a friend is playing fiddle in an Irish band at the Downtime
7) Last time I showered: yesterday before work, horrible hat hair…

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