Monday, January 25, 2010

1.22 lucky steal!

1) Location of steal: My pad by the closest window to Loring on the west side of my apartment! It only happens once in a great while, it's like a little game of chance and sometime I hit the jackpot of free wireless from my apartment!
2) Time: 7: 30 p.m.
3) Duration of steal: a solid 35 minutes
4) Did I purchase anything in order to use internet: nope it’s a steal from Loring Pasta Bar across the street
5) Sites Visited: email, bank account, Pandora, facebook, webvista, blogger
6) Domain names wireless card picks up: Loring, City of Minneapolis Public Wifi, USI wireless, 3550 5630, U of M Guest, Linksys, THE_BC-G

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