Monday, January 25, 2010

1.22 excahnge

1) Reason for sitting on Couch: Jojo (lives down the hall) stopped over for a little music exchange. As always we end up chilling on the couch, chatting, and going through music.
2) Time: 5:30 p.m.
3) Duration: about 45 minutes
4) Items on coffee table: 2 green mugs, a camera tripod, the city pages, 3 photos, 2 drawings, a leather purse, unopened mail I got from my mother 3 days ago, a lighter, a blue bracelet, syllabus from my technical writing class.
5) Noises I hear: We are listening to some Ray-baby (Ray Lamontagne)
6) Major event happening downtown: The 4th Annual TC HIP HOP Awards
7) Last time I showered: This afternoon, ahh so fresh an so clean

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