Monday, January 25, 2010

1.25 time for tea and cookies

1) Location of steal: Expresso Royale
2) Time: 10:05 p.m.
3) Duration of steal: 28 minutes
4) Did I purchase anything in order to use internet: mmmhhmm…small chia tea and a half dipped cookie (the best kind!)
5) Sites Visited: email, bank account,, webvista, onestop, myu
6) Domain names wireless card picks up: at least im not from st. paul, USI wireless, City of Minneapolis Publis Wifi, Expresso Royale

1.25 “on the road”

1) Reason for sitting on couch: Reading Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” and relaxing after a long day of classes and work. This is becoming one of my favorite places to sit and read because the lighting is soft and cozy, and the couch is cozy but not too cozy that I fall asleep within 5 minutes of opening up the book.
2) Time: 11:32 p.m.
3) Duration: 37 minutes
4) Items on coffee table: camera tripod, leather purse, little red bag, little colorful bag full of pens, lotion, opened mail, a brown jar, 2 shoe boxes full of random little trinkets and what nots, a green file folder, a city pages, and some class papers, flight of the conchords season one dvd, igor on dvd, green mug.
5) Noises I hear: Jose Gonzales playing softly, my radiator tinging and hissing, and the occasional car driving by
6) Event happening downtown: A friend of a friend is playing fiddle in an Irish band at the Downtime
7) Last time I showered: yesterday before work, horrible hat hair…

1.24 Crazy folk’s home

1) Location of steal: My friend Ashley’s apartment in Roseville, which when walking down the hall can closely represents the feel of an assisted living home. Let’s just say most people who live there have at least 50 years on my friends.
2) Time: 11:00 p.m.
3) Duration of steal: 23 minutes
4) Did I purchase anything in order to use internet: free.99
5) Sites Visited: Bank account, email,, and facebook
6) Domain names wireless card picks up: Myqwest0377, Myqwest6473, Anderson, NETGEAR, Cat Lady

1.24 waiting

1) Reason for sitting on couch: Ashley came over to pick me and Jojo up to head over to her place, so while waiting for Jojo we chilled on the couch and chit chatted.
2) Time: 10: 13 p.m.
3) Duration: 15 minutes
4) Items on coffee table: camera tripod, leather purse, little red bag, little colorful bag full of pens, lotion, opened mail, a brown jar, 2 shoe boxes full of random little trinkets and what nots, a green file folder, a city pages, and some class papers.
5) Noises I hear: Ashley chit chatting, Led Zeppelin in the background, cars driving buy, a couple of yells from the street corner.
6) Major event happening downtown: Cornbread vs. Cadillac Koldstad and the Flats at Palmers bar
7) Last time I showered: Around 3 today, right before work at Casablanca.

1.23 oh the benefits of work

1) Location of steal: Working at the library
2) Time: 12:30 p.m.
3) Duration of steal: 3 ½ hours (most of my work shift)
4) Did I purchase anything in order to use internet: Nope, work = hours of free internet usage
5) Sites Visited: craigslist, bank account, email, facebook,,,, google maps
6) Domain names wireless card picks up: U of M, U o M secure IPv6, U of M Guest, U of M Secure

1.23 checking out the new pad

1) Reason for sitting on couch: Some friends stopped over to check out my new pad!
2) Time: 8:00 p.m.
3) Duration: A little over an hour
4) Items on coffee table: red bandana, leather purse, bracelet, small colorful bag, camera lens cap, keys, and computer (coffee table looking pretty clean)
5) Noises I hear: Darryl tell the story of how our friend recently lost a front tooth by trying to save his girlfriend from slipping, yet he ended up slipping and losing his front tooth. Also, I hear 4 different laughs temporarily drowning out the sounds of cars driving by and rowdy students in the streets.
6) Major event happening downtown: Tonight there is a VooDuex party at the VIP room at First Ave.
7) Last time I showered: Yesterday afternoon, not to grungy

1.22 lucky steal!

1) Location of steal: My pad by the closest window to Loring on the west side of my apartment! It only happens once in a great while, it's like a little game of chance and sometime I hit the jackpot of free wireless from my apartment!
2) Time: 7: 30 p.m.
3) Duration of steal: a solid 35 minutes
4) Did I purchase anything in order to use internet: nope it’s a steal from Loring Pasta Bar across the street
5) Sites Visited: email, bank account, Pandora, facebook, webvista, blogger
6) Domain names wireless card picks up: Loring, City of Minneapolis Public Wifi, USI wireless, 3550 5630, U of M Guest, Linksys, THE_BC-G

1.22 excahnge

1) Reason for sitting on Couch: Jojo (lives down the hall) stopped over for a little music exchange. As always we end up chilling on the couch, chatting, and going through music.
2) Time: 5:30 p.m.
3) Duration: about 45 minutes
4) Items on coffee table: 2 green mugs, a camera tripod, the city pages, 3 photos, 2 drawings, a leather purse, unopened mail I got from my mother 3 days ago, a lighter, a blue bracelet, syllabus from my technical writing class.
5) Noises I hear: We are listening to some Ray-baby (Ray Lamontagne)
6) Major event happening downtown: The 4th Annual TC HIP HOP Awards
7) Last time I showered: This afternoon, ahh so fresh an so clean

Thursday, January 21, 2010

blogging about hmmm?

Alright so here are some of the ideas that this blog might be about...
1) Sitting on my couch, it's the most comfortable place to sit in my apartment and I always end up doing the most random stuff sitting on my couch, it would be fun to talk about the different people and activities that take place on my couch and conversations I have on my couch.
- reason for sitting on my couch/ activity
- time of day
- duration of how long I spend on my couch

2)Steal internet, I don't have it so I have to get creative of where I can get internet from, even if it means sitting on the street corner (which I have done ha)
- where I am
- where I am stealing it from
- time of day/ duration

3) People watching, I am always on the go and it is something I love to do, every where go I tend to notice most everything that is happening around me and the people that are around me, and I usually end up meeting someone new
- location
- time of day/duration
- who I met, or someone who really stood out

4) Doodling
- location
- time/duration
- materials, on what and with what
- Mood/thoughts

5) Sleeping - how often or lack there of
- time/duration
- dreams?
- where/location

6) Cooking - I recently moved to a bigger apartment and have a kitchen again, but not very much food so it has been kind of fun experimenting and making food creations to eat
- time/duration
- what I created (depending on what food I have ha)
- how it turned out/ tastes

7) Music - it usually changes my mood or enhances my mood and I love to play it when doing certain activities or if I wanna chill out or get hyped up
- artist listening to
- duration
- how it affected my mood

8) Reading - weather it is a book, a newspaper, or an interesting article online, I read everyday and like to think about and question what it is that I am reading
- source
- what book or article it is
- my perspective on what i read/ how it made me feel

9) Daily horoscope - though I am not an avid believer and don't live my life by it, I think it is kind of a funny little something to read on a daily basis
- where the horoscope is from
- what the message was
- how it related or did not at all to my day

that's that for now : )

Tuesday, January 19, 2010