Tuesday, April 13, 2010

what i wanna do

Travel and record my traveling through use of gathered items, drawings, paintings, photos, and screen prints. Eventually create a book recording my travels and ways to live a happy life!

Get a plot of land with my friend Jo, farm and have animals, make art for my own enjoyment and sell, make my own clothes, and have a house filled with funky gadgets and trinkets.

Spend my days snowboarding and surfing and working for a boarding company making snowboard, surf, kite, and skate, graphics. Living a life of chilling and boarding and doing art!

Make graphic design book that serve as inspiration to others and myself in every day life.

Hiking, biking, traveling, and having freedom and time to think!

Be my own boss or work in a small funky studio and screen printed posters for various occasions.

I wanna go around and make things that make people think!! Make them use their brains and have fun with it, push some of the limits : )

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