Tuesday, April 13, 2010

5 peeps or companies i dig!

Images: sketchy drawings, hand done, mixed media images using cards, textures, newspapers, pinup girls, aged and grungy feeling, funky vibe, kinda crazy.
photographs- of traveling and nature!
Colors: blacks and tans. browns, bright reds and oranges as accent! some blues and greens hidden with in most images
Type: most type is sketchy and hand done, the type that is not hand done is small and a type writer like font

Images: graffiti!! messages/images that make you think!
Type: spray painted type
colors: mostly whites, blacks, and reds, with accent colors!!!

Volcom artists - Michael Sieben
Images: screen printed, hand drawn, hand crafted art!
Type: screen printed big and blocky, funky, head titles
colors: blacks, tan, browns, greens, burnt orange, turquoise, greens

David Carson
Images: surfing! extreme sports, lots of photos mixed with hand done images and incorporated textures. lots of funky typography
type: all different types, grungy and miss matched, experimental, warped, over lapping, distorted
colors: lots of blues and natural colors, lots of colors associated with surfing, also lots of reds and oranges, as more extreme and in your face

Lisa Kokin
Images: Mixed media using trinkets and what nots to create books, collages, and funky sculptures. reused materials
Type: simple lower case type, not very much type incorporated in the creations other than words on trinkets used.
colors: soft faded colors, rusted objects, lots of tans and grays, with accents of bright colors from a trinket or two.

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