Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2.8 “inspiration”

1) Reason for sitting on couch: getting some inspiration from a book called Dirty Fingernails that I picked up earlier in the week from the library.
2) Time: 8:47 pm
3) Duration: 35 minutes
4) Items on coffee table: a red and cream painted school tray, some black cut outs of a surfer, the book called dirty fingernails that I’m looking at, an owl tray, and an elephant incense burner.
5) Noises I hear: Florence and the Machine playing on my computer, someone walking down the hall in loud boots, cars driving by
6) Event happening downtown: Didn’t hear or know of anything

2.5 “getting it done”

1) Reason for sitting on couch: Gettin stuff done! Working on some design stuff
2) Time: 4:30 p.m.
3) Duration: 1 hour or so
4) Items on coffee table: a red and cream painted school tray, some black cut outs of a surfer, a book called dirty fingernails, an owl tray, and an elephant incense burner.
5) Noises I hear: my summer music mix again, summer is on the mind quite frequently lately, lots of traffic and commotion outside, and my window is cracked open and I can hear someone on the street corner playing the drums
6) Event happening downtown: Tattoos for Tears at the Loft

2.3 “hey neighbs”

1) Reason for sitting on couch: My neighbor Tony came over to grab his hat and we ended up hanging out for a little while, he took hold of my camera and had some fun with it.
2) Time: 9:30 ish p.m.
3) Duration: 20 mins, give or take a few
4) Items on coffee table: a red and cream painted school tray, some black cut outs of a surfer, two glasses of aqua still, radio k flyer, the season one of Flight of the Conchords, some old photos, a usb cable, and my camera lens cap.
5) Noises I hear: Tones laughing, some chit chat on the street, a couple big trucks rolling by, and the entry door slam followed by someone with very clunky boots walking up the stairs
6) Event happening downtown: Free bacon at the Triple Rock

2.1 "flight of the conchords"

1) Reason for sitting on couch: Jo and I are chillan out and watching some Flight of the Conchords season one! Brown Paper, White Paper, stick together with the tape, the tape of love, oh ya, the sticky stuff.
2) Time: 9:00pm
3) Duration: somewhere around an hour
4) Items on coffee table: my computer, a red and cream painted school tray, red little hand bag, some old receipts, a radio K flyer, some black cut outs of a surfer, two glasses of aqua, and the season one of Flight of the Conchords.
5) Noises I hear: Brett and Jermaine streaming through the computer.
6) Event happening downtown: 2 fer 1’s Triple Rock Tuesday

1.31 "grub"

1) Reason for sitting on couch: Reaping the benefits of working at a restaurant, brought home some chips with salsa, sour cream, guacamole, and a delicious veggie burger! Time to dig in…
2) Time: 10:36
3) Duration: 22 Minutes
4) Items on coffee table: my food, a red and cream painted school tray, some black cut outs of a surfer, mayonnaise, a jar of water, a red bag, and 1 coaster
5) Noises I hear: crunching of the chips, a siren going by, someone singing on the street, and my summer mix of music (thinking about sunshine)
6) Event happening downtown: Cadillac Koldstad vs. Cornbread Harris down at Palmers Bar : )

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How do you..Hilary's needs in Flash

1. How to make a picture fade in from nothing and grow bigger and as it reaches its final state create a lightbox effect.
2. How to make things appear floating and when you mouse over the move according to the mouse
3.How to make objects make a sound when clicked

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1.28 “so clean it sparkles”

1) Reason for sitting on couch: relaxation! Enjoying how clean my apartment is and sipping on some wine (out of a jar) and waiting for Ashley and Jojo.
2) Time: 9:05
3) Duration: 15 minutes
4) Items on coffee table: an owl tray, and 1 coaster
5) Noises I hear: Jason Shannon band bumping through my speakers
6) Event happening downtown: Best of the Midwest Burlesque Gala, opening night
7) Last time I showered: 6 hours ago, such soft hair

1.27 “project procrastination”

1) Reason for sitting on couch: painting jars for a project that is due tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. Go me!
2) Time: 10:30 p.m.
3) Duration: 2 hours and 25 minutes
4) Items on coffee table: paints and paintbrushes – lots of them, 4 jars I am in the process of painting, paper towels, 2 mugs, and a lighter
5) Noises I hear: music on shuffle all, my radiator screaming, and the occasional car driving by
6) Event happening downtown: Nothing that I know of, which is great because I don’t need anything else to think about and help me along the way to more procrastination.
7) Last time I showered: yesterday, broke out the hat again…hello hat hair

1.26 “hello homework”

1) Reason for sitting on couch: getting comfy so the creative juices can flow, working on homework
2) Time: 8:47 p.m.
3) Duration: 52 minutes
4) Items on coffee table: elephant incense burner on an owl tray, lighter, class of water, 2 pens, camera lens cap,
5) Noises I hear: getting my mind motivated with some Led Zeppelin, a couple horn honks, and some occasional yells and laughs from the street
6) Event happening downtown: Triple rock 2 for 1s
7) Last time I showered: today, such soft hair